Monthly Archives: July 2015

Chipper Day Saturday July 25

We are planning another chipper day for July 25,  with a chipper generously donated by Home Depot. This is a great opportunity to clear brush and work with neighbors to further reduce excess fuels in our area.  Work will start around 8:00.  Please stage wood to be chipped with cut ends out, anywhere that is accessible by a truck and chipper. Material up to ~4″ diameter can be chipped. See you next Saturday!

FireWise Signs are here

We’ve received our FireWise community signs.  Two of ’em.  Where shall we display them?  Please reply to this post with your suggestions.  Thanx, and again — Congratulations!

Black & White Flags

What are those little black and white flags at the corners of our roads? Those are locate markers for the county to put up street signs, which should happen soon. This will enable emergency responders to find our addresses quicker.