Monthly Archives: September 2020

Firewise Event 2020-09-12 a Huge Success!

Our FireWise event on Saturday Sep 12th was a huge success! We had more than a dozen neighbors turn out with the end result being 132 cubic yards of slash cut and chipped! The maintenance of the east areas was completed along with the chipping of some old slash piles from earlier in the season. Good job all!

PS: Our next event will be Saturday Oct 3rd, focusing on the S4/S5 areas and creating a firebreak in the main south gully.

Neighborhood Firewise Event – Saturday 12 Sep 2020 @ 0730

Reminder all – we have our neighborhood Firewise mitigation event tomorrow, Saturday 12 Sep starting at 0730. We’ll meet by the “Gauntlet” (west end of Doolittle Rd), form up crews, and work on:

* Maintenance of E4/E6 areas (Gauntlet area)
* Maintenance and new work in S4/S5 areas (Evans/Fallon Rd)
* Chipping! Neighbor Tim obtained a chipper for us. Thanx Tim! This crew will go around the neighborhood and chip up piles that have been brought out to the road.

It’ll be a beautiful warm autumn day, but the work is hard so please dress appropriately: jeans/carhartts, boots, long sleeve shirt, and gloves.

If you’re comfortable with a chainsaw please bring that and you’ll go onto a sawyer/swamper crew; if you have a weed whacker modified for brush cutting please bring it; else branch clippers (fiskers) are useful. Rakes help with cleanup. We also need one person to be the photographer.

Some fuel for the chipper (diesel) and fuel for the saws/trimmers (mix gas 40:1-ish) is also useful.

Thanx, see ye tomorrow!