Neighborhood Firewise Event – Saturday 12 Sep 2020 @ 0730

Reminder all – we have our neighborhood Firewise mitigation event tomorrow, Saturday 12 Sep starting at 0730. We’ll meet by the “Gauntlet” (west end of Doolittle Rd), form up crews, and work on:

* Maintenance of E4/E6 areas (Gauntlet area)
* Maintenance and new work in S4/S5 areas (Evans/Fallon Rd)
* Chipping! Neighbor Tim obtained a chipper for us. Thanx Tim! This crew will go around the neighborhood and chip up piles that have been brought out to the road.

It’ll be a beautiful warm autumn day, but the work is hard so please dress appropriately: jeans/carhartts, boots, long sleeve shirt, and gloves.

If you’re comfortable with a chainsaw please bring that and you’ll go onto a sawyer/swamper crew; if you have a weed whacker modified for brush cutting please bring it; else branch clippers (fiskers) are useful. Rakes help with cleanup. We also need one person to be the photographer.

Some fuel for the chipper (diesel) and fuel for the saws/trimmers (mix gas 40:1-ish) is also useful.

Thanx, see ye tomorrow!