Author Archives: Diane

A forester with a collie

CWWP-Firewise Mtg Tues 4/18

We’re kicking off our CWPP season this Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30pm.  Rod and Marcia will host (thanks!).  Their address is 16520 Mt Herman Lane, the yellow house on the corner.  Our new Fire Marshall Jamey Bumgarner will discuss the Ready-Set-Go program, which emphasizes fire preparedness and seeks to improve dialogue between fire departments and residents.  Let’s have a good showing to meet Jamey and familiarize him with the strides we have made in making our community safer. We will also discuss last year’s accomplishments, upcoming priorities, and a possible slash chipping day later this spring. Hope to see you there!

Firewise Day May 7

A productive but short day due to weather – thanks to all who helped on May 7: Ken; Rob; Rod, Marcia and John V; Steve H; Toni; Jim, Michael and Joshua G; and Mark S (in addition to help prior to May 7 from Jeff, Rob, Ken, Rod, Mark S, Heather and Bryan, and Steve R).  We tackled some of our highest priority areas, including the Gauntlet and portions of Evans Road.  Thanks to neighbors for being supportive of efforts to reduce fuels on their land for the good of the community.  Here are a few photos – the rest are at the top of the Media Library.IMG_5956 IMG_5953 IMG_5947




Firewise Day May 7, 9:00 – 3:00

We will join hundreds of other neighborhoods around the county in celebrating Community Wildfire Preparation Day on Saturday May 7 from 9:00 to 3:00.  Beginning at Denise and Rob’s home on the far west end of Doolittle Road, we will work our way around the neighborhood.  Please bring gloves, water, loppers, chainsaws, etc.  We will clear additional brush if resources allow. Thanks to CUSP and Mark-It Forestry for sponsoring this event.  Please join us for all or any part of the day.  Thanks!!

Community Wildfire Day May 7

We will have a neighborhood slash chipping day on Saturday May 7.  CUSP will donate a chipper in honor of National Community Wildfire Preparedness Day.  Please take this opportunity to cut and pile more slash; cut ends out to make it easier to load.  More info to come on time, where we will start, etc.  As many volunteers as possible will be helpful – thanks!

Next CWPP Meeting

All, it has been awhile since we met.  How about a meeting on Thursday April 7 at 6:30?  Place TBD.  We could discuss the upcoming May 7 Community Wildfire Preparedness / Firewise Day, among other things.  It would be a good chance to meet and welcome our new neighbors.   I will send out an email also.

CWPP mtg Wed Sept 9 at 6:30

All – after a short hiatus, it is time to get back together on our Community Wildfire Planning effort.  Let’s have a short meeting to regroup before resuming our Tuesday meetings.  Once the CWPP has been completed and signed, we can meet perhaps a couple times a year to continue to plan and work towards the goal of protecting our neighborhood.  The synergy throughout this process has been awesome….let’s keep it going!

We have a tentative meeting date of Wed Sept 9 at 6:30 at Steve Hein’s cabin. Topics will include setting dates for a structural ignition hazard assessment and a site visit for Tri-Lakes Fire Department on our hose-monkey project; discussions on an article for the local press; final assignments to complete the CWPP; compilation of volunteer hours; etc.  We need to have the CWPP signed by December, to take advantage of any available tax breaks for 2015.

If you are not available this Wednesday and would like to participate, please let Diane or Steve R know an alternative date that would work better.  Thanks.


Another Successful Chipping Day on July 25 – THANKS!

Thanks to Mark P, Brad, Liane, Steve H, Quinton, Ken, Mark and Sam S for a very productive day cutting brush along Mt Herman Lane, and chipping slash piles across the entire neighborhood. Also to Heather and Sharann for dropping off homemade refreshments.  Home Depot generously donated the chipper – thanks to Mark P for picking up and dropping this off.  Great teamwork and fun – what better way to spend a hot summer day!  Some photos below – more in media gallery.

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Chipper Day Saturday July 25

We are planning another chipper day for July 25,  with a chipper generously donated by Home Depot. This is a great opportunity to clear brush and work with neighbors to further reduce excess fuels in our area.  Work will start around 8:00.  Please stage wood to be chipped with cut ends out, anywhere that is accessible by a truck and chipper. Material up to ~4″ diameter can be chipped. See you next Saturday!

Mt Herman Receives Recognition as a Firewise Community!!

Congratulations!  We have joined approximately 1,000 other U.S. Firewise Communities recognized for empowering neighbors to work together to reduce their wildfire risk.  According to Firewise, “Scientific research has shown the effectiveness and benefits of implementing wildfire mitigation concepts across individual property boundaries and throughout communities.” Thanks all for pulling together as a neighborhood over the past year!  Information on the Firewise program can be found at

Treating the “Gauntlet”!!


The oak-choked “Gauntlet” along Mt. Herman Lane

We have a volunteer project scheduled for April 4, 2015 to clear the “Gauntlet”, one of the most hazardous areas in our Community.  CUSP, the Air Force Academy football team and some local homeowners will help.