CWPP mtg Wed Sept 9 at 6:30

All – after a short hiatus, it is time to get back together on our Community Wildfire Planning effort.  Let’s have a short meeting to regroup before resuming our Tuesday meetings.  Once the CWPP has been completed and signed, we can meet perhaps a couple times a year to continue to plan and work towards the goal of protecting our neighborhood.  The synergy throughout this process has been awesome….let’s keep it going!

We have a tentative meeting date of Wed Sept 9 at 6:30 at Steve Hein’s cabin. Topics will include setting dates for a structural ignition hazard assessment and a site visit for Tri-Lakes Fire Department on our hose-monkey project; discussions on an article for the local press; final assignments to complete the CWPP; compilation of volunteer hours; etc.  We need to have the CWPP signed by December, to take advantage of any available tax breaks for 2015.

If you are not available this Wednesday and would like to participate, please let Diane or Steve R know an alternative date that would work better.  Thanks.